Back in stock / New in: Gold Rings

We've got golden glints in our eyes today after making several sets of gold staking rings and gold double looped rings.

(It's safe to say we're well stocked up on both and in need of more supplies!)

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Both are plated with 24k gold and are guaranteed to kick up your accessories a notch.

Try mixing the stacking rings with a statement piece or keep it simple and wear them on their own. Same goes for the double looped ring, it pairs nicely with a set of stacking rings, looks great on its own or will fit in nicely with your existing repertoire of finger bling.

You can find them on Etsy here:
Gold Stacking Rings
Gold Double Looped Ring

Or you can also find their silver and copper counterparts in our jewellery section.

Peace & Love, Amy

Meet the Maker: Amy

Amy can often be found tangled up in a ball of wool or attached to an iPad, coffee in hand and sausage dog underfoot.