Fairy Tale Fashion

Fairy tales are coming back in a big way. Disney have been given a brand new live action make-over and we are loving it.

So as our favourite princesses return to the screens and reignite our belief in happily ever afters, we may be forgiven for wanting to add a few more magical items into our wardrobes.

Starting from the bottom up, I personally couldn't help but swoon a little over these altogether over embellished but truly scrumptious shoes from ASOS. It's times like these I understand the the concept of a complete shoe addiction:

Silver fairy tale shoes from ASOSNow as much as I'd like to waltz around all day in a big fluffy gorgeous gown, they're simply not that practical. However, pop on this fresh as a daisy aqua tulle number and you can swoosh and swish to your hearts content and still not end up sweeping the street too:

Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 20.39.04Although a tiara is the crowning jewel of a princess outfit, if it's not for a wedding then it's just a little OTT for my liking. However, adorning your luscious locks with delicately crafted flowers and butterflies is another Matter:

Butterfly halo flower crown from Not on the Highstreet

Finally, no princess is complete without a little sparkle. A silver locket to keep a picture of your prince close to your heart in is just the right amount of vintage kitsch to polish off this adorable outfit:

Diamond locketSo it won't matter if your feeling like princess Aurora or Cruella Deville, you'll still look absolutely fabulous.

Peace & Love, Amy

Meet the Maker: Amy

Amy can often be found tangled up in a ball of wool or attached to an iPad, coffee in hand and sausage dog underfoot.